The Digital Media Studios at Harbor High School include a pathway of CTE (Career Technical Educational) courses available to students looking to build knowledge and skills in the media arts and entertainment industry. Course contents include media literacy, digital literacy, design knowledge and skills, creation of art and media including graphic design, print making, illustration, video production, and photography.
Courses in this pathway
• CTE Photography 1 — Digital and traditional. UC/CSU (f) elective
• CTE Photography 2 — Digital and traditional. UC/CSU (f) elective, articulated with Cabrillo for transferable college credit
• Video production 1 — UC/CSU (f) elective, articulated with Cabrillo for transferable college credit
• Video production 2 — UC/CSU (f) elective, articulated with Cabrillo for transferable college credit
• Graphic Design 1 & 2 — UC/CSU (f) elective, articulated with Cabrillo for transferable college credit
Video Production 1 and 2 and Graphic Design 1 and 2 are articulated with Cabrillo College for transferable college credit.
The capstone project for the Digital Media Studios is a Spring exhibit of student work.
Instructor: Larkin Wilson [email protected] (831) 332-5791
Instructor: Jenny Angelacos [email protected] 831.419.5775